Red River Cereal

The first time I prepared Red River Cereal was when I was a kitchen volunteer at Kensington Hospice. The cereal requires stove top cooking and it always added warmth to the building as it began to fill the room with the smell of cooking grains (kind of like baking bread) early in the morning. I recently picked up a box to make at home and finally tasted it. It has a nutty taste, gritty chew, is easily variable and very nutritious! This is one of my favourite version.

Ingredients (for 3 servings, divide by 3 for single serving)

  • 1 cup Red River Cereal

  • 3 cup water

  • pinch of salt

  • 1/3 cup milk (optional)

  • 1 apple, cubed

  • 1/2 cup frozen cubed mango


  1. Add cereal, water and salt in a pan to boil. Stir occasionally.

  2. Once boiled turn down and simmer for 15 to 20 minutes.

  3. If desired add milk to lighten colour.

  4. Add apple and frozen mango to the cereal.

  5. Once boiled, remove from stove and serve.

I like changing the types of fresh and frozen fruits I add to this hot cereal, which adds flavour, texture and additional sweetness. This cereal is super versatile. You can also add any type of sweetener if you do not want to add fruit, or even eat it plain! I find the nutty and grittiness of this cereal makes it more palatable plain than oatmeal.