Fun in the sun picnic! All you need to do is pick a day, time, place and friends who enjoy snacking while catching up on life updates.
To keep it simple: we did not want to plan out a whole event that would be complicated and time consuming to prepare for. We worked together to cut vegetables, fruit and prepare a cold salad + tuna egg sandwiches.
Other materials to bring: basket, water & picnic blanket
What we learned: the reduced cost produce sections make for cost-effective options when eating fruits & veggies right away.
What we liked: we liked the balance of all our snacks put together. It had complex carbohydrates, animal and plant-based proteins, vegetables & fruit.
What we would change for next time: Bringing lighter food containers and cutlery + more friends. We had A LOT of food to spare.. sending a couple more invites would have been a really nice way to catch up & share food with others.
How would you prepare your IDEAL picnic basket?
Your Peaches